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Hey Dragonita Could You Make A Scales Kind Of Pattern For The Entire Body?

yes! and patterns for fur or feather could be so cool

hey Dragonita! In case you didnt read, I've posted a comment a few days ago. It was a question if you could color a base? Im sorry if you were just busy doing your thing and you think im impatient but please be sure u read it! (no forcing to color it)

Hey! Any1 got a name for my newest pet? :D




Oooo i like them both. Ill make it LumisPepper :D

Sweet! :D


Nice! Love the gradients

thanks !! i went kina crazy with them haha

Do YOU want to make your own bat dragon but just want to colour it? well do I have news for you this base is free to use just show me the codes that's all! what a GREAT deal am I right?! ```12cd:&w57w010cDp10100p6Z22J0c00CL0n000040006Pdw06700Xc4w0000100000000000ppTk00000000w%w%00x5_l%~f8PPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000ppTkTk0000TkzD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000t?f8%%pp%~Tk0000Tk0000pp%~Tk0000Tk0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```

Why yes, I do! Thank you kindly Moonlight! I offer one albino bat dragon as payment :]


very nice payment indeed Opossum!

Here you got Toxic the bat-dragon!:


Thanks for the base! :D

(1 edit)

very nice I love how the green and blue go together so nice!

And here is another bat-dragon! (i need name ideas)


Oppossum, Thats a GREAT dragon! :O

Tysm Sunset!! I could say the same thing myself for Toxic :3

I contribute a rainbow bat dragon ```12cd:&w57w01GcDp10100p6c1!J0c00CL0n800040006Pdw3670DXc4wzG403Dw00YhT6X00%%&0~00000%wHw7.00hHJH%~f8PPPP%%%wPP00000000000000000000%%Ww7.00003~&100003H7.0000000000000000000000000000000000wBr7XD%%3.1B00001%0000%%3.1B00001%0000%%1%mH00001B7.1%00```

SUGGESTION: there should be a way to turn the idle animation off its kinda annoying after a while

I really hope this gets an update soon, I'm starting to worry that it won't. 

It will if im right, they are working on updates and i've played this for a while, i was one of the first who sended a comment in the whole game. It updated so much already! Dw! It will update more im sureee

It will get an update soon, even if there's no estimated date at the moment. I just haven't been able to work on it lately due to college, but there are still many ideas and feedback to add no worries




Lava dragon! (I forgot to take a pic of him at night, he looked so cool D:)


The first dragon I made :D

heres mine!

That purples really pretty! I love the way it glows :D

Hey dragonita! I hope you read this :D. Ive made a dragon base and i was wondering if you could color it! Be free to add any glows :D. Here you got the code:


would it be ok if i coloured it too?

its a really nice base

oh yes ofc!

sorry it took me FIVE days I had school work but alas here it is. its extremely tacky but I somewhat like it 

I think you pasted the wrong code

Sorry took a while cause college, but here! Blue-green radioactive dragon!



lethiathin and dolphin crossbreed (lol)  ```10cg&NdJ3J016cDQ10100fHf0BT0:00GX0!400040006wnJ02j000000dt0024w0010J0000K?kTDz0000Tk&2%2%2-c.JY,f8PPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000K?t?Tk0000TkzD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000f8PPPPK?kTTk0000Tk0000K?kTTk0000Tk0000ppTkTk0000Tk

(1 edit) (+1)

I think you mean leviathan? Also, ur code dont work.

I tried to restore it a bit here (a color may have gone missing in the process)

While the ``` are not necessary for the code to work, try next time to copy it from ` to ` just to be safe! o/

And cool sea creature!

I made a kangaroo!


colour this fishy friend


here u go!


(1 edit)

Hey! I have a tip for laptop/ pc users who wanna keep thier codes. You could just put the codes whit names in a document. I do that. Its easy and you wont lose your dragon! :D

i already do that ngl

dragon base waiting for colour (please put code in rplies)


(1 edit)

Here u go! Put it on night it will be cooler :P


woah i love it!

i call this the night wyvern or moon wyvern 



(2 edits)

Hey guys! Have a dragon base! The code:


Pls color the dragon and send me the code in the reply's :D


here you go!


Omg! Thats so nice! Ty :P


(1 edit)

Does anyone have color ideas for me? I really cant think of good ones atm-

try making colour combos based on something for example: animals, foods, anything you want

likr this one based on the ace flag (its not very good i made it in a rush)


K ty!

or use this website

(1 edit)

i made a sort of bat dragon? ```12cg-mw57w00G0DG00000tJQ0?J10003L012000400050:c83f0cG-00dwD034w008h9600084nv0000000000&9~cx5_l%~f8PPPPNB00PP0000000000000000000084NBJ60000Tknv0000880N00000000000000000000000000000000000N88PP84NBJ6000084000084NBJ6000084000084NB880000Tk000000```

HOLY, That's one cool bat dragon! I love how vibrant the colors are :D

did you put it on night? its cooler

sunset wcue tried fixing it for you ```10dD4m054J03KcX230300fBk0JS0800G2080000400040:c13f0400001w00000000000000cwNc%%0000Nc00hw00x5_l%~f8PPPP%%00PP00000000000000000000cw00Nc000000zD0000hwPP0000000000000000000000000000000000f8PPPP0000Nc0000%%00000000Nc0000%%0000ppT

it doesn't work did you try highlighting the whole thing in game?

Hey! i tried pasting the code but it said it was too short- could you copy the code again and show me? :D


Filled in a bit of the code to make it recognizable, though a few colors might have gotten lost in the process. If you remember where to fill the blanks or have the full code somewhere, feel free to post it again or edit your comment if you want to! o/

Ty! Its really better now LOLZ. And ty dragonita for fixing the code! :D


its based on a tree frog its my first time tried my best!


wow thats really good!

i made a candycane dragon


I can practically taste the peppermint XD Good job!!

thanks! (please don't taste my dragon)

I also tried making a red panda:```10d44m054J031cX230300f9G00S0800G60m0000400040:c13f0400000c00000000000000cwNc%%0000Tk008P00x5_l%~f8PPPP%%00PP00000000000000000000cw00Nc000000zD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000f8PPPP0000Nc0000%%00000000Nc0000%%0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```

It turned out a bit ugly, 🫣😅

Hey! This is a GREAT game and i LOVE all the new updates! I hope more will come! Here is my sunset dragon:


THAT'S SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Ty! :D Its based on a drawing i made :P

:0 could you maybe post a pic of the drawing :D? (No pressure!)

i lost the drawing sadly, thats why i tried copying it :)

Robot dragon ! It's a simple design, but it was fun to make ```100hmmwP1J0210N61010123L03L00007B01000040006x8c14f0420000Nc0100000418400t?TkTk0000kT%%%%+0Dz+0%~Y,+0PPf8PPPP00000000000000000000t?Tk+00000TkzD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000f8TkTkt?TkTk0000+00000t?TkTk0000+00000+0TkTk0000TkTk+000```

Ooooo I love the glowing orange as an accent color! Nice work :D

thanks ^^ I also made this floral wyvern :

Aww what a pretty flower!

Heyyy question. If I make a dragon with this, can I use it as inspiration for making my own character ?

Yea feel free to!


I love this!!!
here, have an ender dragon :3

You perfectly captured her <3

Maned wolf dragon hybrid:


SO COOL ! ! !

```12djNXxr7w01KcDC10300tNX2SgC0c07S03600040006w8000c00c83:Jq6020000X004X00Dz00&y0000Tk00%100SJ&y%%&yTkTkDzSJhJ00000000000000000000DzhJ000000TkTk0000DzTk0000000000000000000000000000000000&y0000Dz%~Tk0000Tk0000Dz%~Tk0000Tk0000DzhJ000000SJhJhJ00```  check out this wyvern! (Switch it to night 😁

Ooo I can just imagine seeing that flying overhead at night... Nice!

Bat dragon hybrid: 


10/10 would snuggle

I came up with more stuff you could add X3

1) Different animal parts, like Bird beaks, bat wings, snake-like tail etc.

2) Different kinds of Jewelry that can be worn, rings, necklaces etc. 

Sorry if I am being annoying with all the suggestions, but I absolutely love using this.

I have put a load of stuff I made on Twitter using #DragonCreator 

Thanks again Dragonita ^w^

Saw the creations they're so very cool!!

Tho I didn't understand what you mean by the other animal parts sorry. Snake tail, bat wings, and bird-like beak are all available features in the creator ^^''.

Taking note of the jewelry!

Thanks for checking them out! I appreciate it! :3

I absolutely love this game! Definitely will download the mobile version as soon as I can haha

Here's some of the dragons I made

Hey! Can i maybe be a bit inspired by the last dragon? The colors are great!


(1 edit)

I absolutely love this software! I hope it gets more updates in the future! :3

I had a few ideas for stuff you could possibly add. I have no idea if you feasibly add them but hey!

1) Protogen Visor options for the head.

2) Kobold/Anthro Dragon creation capability.

3) Options for held/wearable items, like satchels, backpacks, saddles etc.

4) The ability to move the camera in the XYZ axis rather than just rotating around, to allow for focusing on specific parts when zoomed in.

5) The ability to customise each wing/arm/leg separately to the others.

6) More facial options, like lip and tongue movement.

7) Physical Position options, like Laying down, curled up, legs splayed, sat down etc.

8) Skeletal + Ghost Dragons 

I hope you read this, Dragonita! ^w^

Thank you!!

While most of aren't immediately doable for next update, they're very interesting and will be noted down, especially the quality of life ones.

Though for the protogen-like visor, it should currently be possible to fake a similar appearance, mixing snout shapes and glowing patterns ^^.

Could you also explain what you mean by the lip/tongue movement feature?

The ability to make the face have different expressions, like tongue out, blowing a raspberry, making a kissy face, smiling, frowning etc. 

Also, sorry I didn't reply sooner, the emails went into my spam folder XD

It’s a (somewhat close to) me!


code 10d08mK_5001GcDV20200f00008cm000001000040006cw00300000000000000000000000K7TkTk0000TkTCTC%+x5_l%~%+qBPPK7,CPP00000000000000000000K7TkTk0000Tk,C0000,CPP0000000000000000000000000000000000qBTCPPK7,CTk0000Tk0000K7,CTk0000Tk0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00

This is a great character creator!


i like ice and snow 


I like your dragon :D




Adorable :DDD


A nice little game if I do say so myself. Since most people here send their dragons' codes here. Might as well add mine to the mix. 
Here is something I came up with:


That dragon is awesome! It gives me vibes of SandStorm from warrior cats lol. Is it ok if i use the idea? (like the things u used and stuff?)

Yeah sure. Knock yourself out with whichever part you want to use. 


Rainbow dragon:


AMAZING!!! I LOVE the way it glows at night!

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