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dragon a mi estilo


plz make it possible to edit the length of the neck!

Continue the canine trend plz!


Made a hyena


Literally such a good maker that's cute, easy to use, and accurate to anatomy. I love the idle animations!


Oops I made a dog

Great maker!!

Something random I made to test the creator out, good stuff. :3

I made my oc Moray from wof early access to the best of my abilities


Updated solar eclipse dragon


Spyro design I made, feel free to edit


(1 edit)

I had an idea for something you could add: a single horn in the middle instead of having 2 horns at the back of the head

Btw. if you know paleo pines, ```10cj0m0_1J030cX200300fDk0wS0000560c0NS20560h08000c0000000000000000000000Qv%%%%0000F900%d00x5_l%~QvPPPPf8PPPPf8PP00f8PP0000f8PP00Qv%%%%0000%%zD0000f8PP00%%%%0000%%zD0000f8PP00%%%%0000%%f8PPPPQvK4%%0000Tkf8PPQvK4Tk0000Tkf8PPppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```

Hello there, creator! If it’s not a problem, may I recommend hair options for fluffier dragons and heterochromic eyes (two eyes a different color)?


Decided to do the “Charizard” route, since so many of you are doing Pokèmon too :D

(1 edit) (+1)

made a shiny version of mega x


Ooo! I really like it!


Ngl, that is the most spot-on charizard ever

Thank you! <3

please add turtle shell options


i have tons of skins rn lol

lol you do the same thing as me with saving dragons

plz send me a list of all of the ones that you made.

Deleted 126 days ago



Is there a way you can add a reset button to create another character from scratch? Maybe that could be a feature to add







Looks really cool ^^

yup and thx!!


Permafrost the IceWing(?). She's not exactly my main WoF (Wings of Fire) OC (that would be Foxglove), but I still love her.

Just be careful; if you dare doubt her claims of being an IceWing, you're getting swept.

(1 edit) (+2)


omg a wof fan! hello! love the oc!

(2 edits)

Thanks. Though, please, do be careful when interacting with her. As I said, she doesn't like her claims doubted. She's an IceWing, and you'd better not say she isn't (before you suggest anything, no; she's not a hybrid. She's 100% an IceWing but she's also not an IceWing at all).

Deleted 126 days ago

Finally, WOF fans!


Absolutely love all the new stuff! Great job Dragonita!!! ^w^


Making A Dragon For Each Pkm:Ghost


Little ocean boyo




(1 edit)

Red wyvern (=two legged dragon): ```12cgDSKP1NJcL4k601010pG000w0000H0020&008H0040800cc02202N0000000000000000&0c0Tk0000Tk003HN0x5rf%%c0N0PP:0PPPPc0PP00c0PP0000c0PP00&0N0N00000Tkm00000c0PP00N0N00000Tkm00000c0PP00N0N00000Tkc0PPPP&0%~Tk0000Tk%~Tk&0%~Tk0000Tk%~Tk&0c0Tk0000N0m0%%00```


Making A Dragon For Each Pkm Type:Dragon

bruh so funny 😂🤣😂🤣


Star Dragon:



Making A Dragon For Each Pkm Type:Poison


Love the idea can you do a dragon type dragon? I wanna see how that will go 😂


Making A Dragon For Each Pkm Type:Psychic


(1 edit) (+1)

Making A Dragon For Each Pkm Type:Fighting


awesome sauce



can I do it too? Maybe use the same idea for making Pokemon types? I don’t wanna do it without asking cuz too me it’s copying. 

Go Ahead I Don't Really Care If You Copy

this is honestly such a cool game and I absolutely love it but I'm a bit slow so I don't really know how to make some parts glowy and all though it's definitely a fun game :)

my dragon: ```10d5:Jc59PS37d&R33330fBJ21m0V8J3B1F4Dm4_3B1F1c00k00200000000000000000000nvJl%D000000008p00X1!&%~f8PPPPctNVD6ct~&00nv010000f8PP00nv00NT000000Tn0000ct!r0000NT000000Tn0000ct!r0000NT000000ct00PPnv00Tk0000Tkct!rnv00Tk0000Tkct!rppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```

super cool :0


My Father's Dragon the cooler version of Boris the Dragon: 


(1 edit)

A wonderful tool for creating dragon designs, OC creation, and even for brainstorming design ideas for drawing! I was sure to share this around and look forward to continued updates.

Amazing work and a nifty little tool for dragon lovers. <3


comet :)



its so cuteeeeeee :o

thank u :)


An attempt at making the Boneknapper from httyd: 


very nice :>



Finished my OC!

Shadowflame, Male, all glowy parts are flaming hot.

(1 edit)

I noticed


I would love different types of dragons such as Asian dragons and wyrms. Also this is the best “make your own dragon” thing I’ve seen, ever. And I’ve seen a lot!

(1 edit)

idk what this is a Halloween dragon ig?   ```11cs&&J47-0KG3kV12121p6Q2hS108K3L0n4F82j3L0tw?c2gt0B1J0DzG4cKDLShshT240000+c%%0000%%%%0000%~%~%~f8PPPP00~c~c00~c00f8PP000000~c0000~c%%0000%%~c000000~c00~c%%0000%%~c000000~c00~c%%0000%%00~c~c00%~~c0000+cf8PP00%~~c0000+cf8PP00Tk%%0000TkTk~c00```


One step closer to being 100% accurate to my OC! Now the belly is really accurate.

Here's Zorana in the current update:


Also my fire dragon that I continue to mess with during each update (Code for this guy below the image):


That is a sick dragon design, nice work!



woah cool here's my fire derg 

Oooo, they look great!!

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