and on all fours: ```100t&rK:6-JL10N621211pMc0-x0CmK98160hc4S98140!w1gq06mS3-0000000000000000cxSJPf0000dMF3fQ~6x5_l%~ThSJPPcxdLScThSJ00dMPf0000PfdM00cxPfPf0000SJdM0000f8PP00PfPf0000SJdM0000f8PP00PfPf0000SJf8PPPPcxSJdM0000ThPMSJcxSJdM0000ThPMSJSJcxNy0000Y2K2Th00```
my dragon: ```100c4mJK1N02M4rK2020125000T008J20014800520040:J03d00Dc000cch00J0cJc820000f00Tk0000Tk00z%00x5_l%~q%z%PPf8PPPPq%z%00q%z%0000f8PP000fq%Tk0000TkzD0000q%z%00q%Tk0000TkzD0000q%z%00q%Tk0000TkVTPPPP0f4zq%0000Tkf8PP0f4zq%0000Tkf8PP4f4fVT0000TkTk0K00```
My girl. She’s not exactly meant to be viewed at night. Very simple colors, but classily elegant. Very proud of this one. Also waiting eagerly for the next update!
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Griffin dragon:
Water dragon:
Green / blue dragon:
Purple dragon:
Epic! Love how the purples come together!
Changed it a bit
Even better!
Check this one out:
Nice! He kinda looks a lil high to me, tbh.
So, I tried to make a dragon inspired by the Dutch mythology. Tell me what y'all think.
Thanks! I just had a whim to do it, and just threw it together.
Random dragon I threw together.
Let me know what y'all think
Very colorful
Yeah, it is that.
It would be cool if there were different paw types.
Yeah, that'd be a great feature.
I can name plenty more great features. This game has tons of potential.
I agree. It's pretty good as is, but it does have potential.
my dragon standing on two paws:
and on all fours:
couldn't deside which one's better
They're both good.
I like the one standing on two paws!
my dragon: ```100c4mJK1N02M4rK2020125000T008J20014800520040:J03d00Dc000cch00J0cJc820000f00Tk0000Tk00z%00x5_l%~q%z%PPf8PPPPq%z%00q%z%0000f8PP000fq%Tk0000TkzD0000q%z%00q%Tk0000TkzD0000q%z%00q%Tk0000TkVTPPPP0f4zq%0000Tkf8PP0f4zq%0000Tkf8PP4f4fVT0000TkTk0K00```
nice color palette
This is really cool!
I know, right?
Here's my Forest Fire dragon. The flame parts glow in the dark :D
You're welcome.
I like that flame tail
My girl. She’s not exactly meant to be viewed at night. Very simple colors, but classily elegant. Very proud of this one. Also waiting eagerly for the next update!
Manticore: 1010NNdp4hJ1Kh4_30301pQ20fB0800260;08S3h260&f0J081002N040c00000000000000~_;-;-0000TkF4~_%hx5_l%~YNPPPP~_~kPP;-PP00;-PP0000f8PP00~_F4YN0000YN%80000;-PP00F4YN0000YN%80000;-PP00F4YN0000YNYNF4PP~_!jF40000Tkf8PP~_!jF40000Tkf8PPYNT3T30000TkYNF400
Better than mine lol
I haven't seen yours yet, so I don't know but thx :)
This one.
Not bad it's pretty lit imo
Eh, it's not bad but yours is better.
It looks a lot like a bat but with 4 paws instead of 2
I didn't notice until you said that, but you're so right! Now I can't stop seeing it.