MY EYES!!!! ```101q&&dv1J031cXq30301t3V00S0000000000004000408000c000005x%0044000M0w8D00%%%%%%0000Tk%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000%%TkTk0000Tk%%0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000%%PPPP%%%%Tk0000Tk0000%%%%Tk0000Tk0000%%TkTk0000Tk%%%%00```
Second Dragon:```120CDmcL9J00D04Z00000t8c2SK4;00GV1x400040006x1w5470NZS2SK~-02Dw00F4KGX008f8f_z00008f~4000000sg~4Dz_z_z8f_zDz000000000000000000008f~48f00008f~40000d2~40000000000000000000000000000000000f8sg~48f~48f0000sg00008f~48f0000sg0000Nd~4Y20000~4Y2~400```
First Dragon:```11dcXmws1J0250Ng20200fND1?WB000DX1f200040005t3JK8F14V41J1w00000000000000kTDzDz0000Dz00d900sQ_lt?f8DzDzf8PPPP00000000000000000000kTDzDz0000Dzt?0000kTDz0000000000000000000000000000000000f8DzDzkTDzkT0000Dz0000kTDzkT0000Dz0000ppDzDz0000DzTkTk00```
If possible, could there be a set of additional fur variants...? For example: Whiskers, beards, patches of fur and various lengths and thicknesses of fur.
Also; would it be possible to have effects when they are breathing...?
First dragon I made, ```10dg&&K%7J03HcXl30300fJS1wn08000N024000400051m016c0400000wc000J008410000%%000000000000td%%x5_l%~td%zPP%%00PP00000000000000000000%%0000000000td0000td%z0000000000000000000000000000000000td%zPP%%00%z0000td0000%%00%z0000td0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```
made a halloween bat dragon as per my last comment ```12cj0:c27w00K04k00000r4m00S0800D000400040006ND080w0c00000f0000000X00000084yb%&0000Tk00Wz%:dWyb%%f8PPPP84ybPP0000000000000000000084%&Tk0000TkzD0000~gWz0000000000000000000000000000000000~g+KLH8400%&0000%&00008400%&0000%&0000~gTkTk0000Tk~g0000```
Anyway, for feature ideas, I have...a bit of a list. XD
More horn options.
More tail tip options, I would love a tail tip similar to Cynder's from the Legend of Spyro series.
More wing claw/thumb options, maybe one similar to Cynder's (Mentioned above).
More muzzle options, and teeth sizes.
Spikes (Possibly head fluff as well) for the top of the head (The head looks a bit empty without them as of right now, even with markings). There could be large spikes or smaller ones not unlike the spine spikes, if head fluff is added, maybe add some variety there too.
Cheek spikes, muzzle spikes, and an option to have Spikes in place of ears. Maybe add Axolotl fins as an ear option?
More spine options.
Leg spikes.
More markings/patterns, especially for the head, I would love small, round freckle like markings for the head, or even stripes. Maybe even symbol like markings for the head, shoulders, thigh, rump, etc. That might be a bit too specific though. XD
Scars, nothing too gruesome of course, just like, scratches, eye scars, that sort of thing. I mean, we have torn wings, why not other evidence of being in battle or something? Broken horns, broken spikes, torn frills/ears, could be cool too, I have feeling missing limbs/eyes/etc isn't an option though, prosthetics or at least a way to make a certain body part look prosthetics would be nice though, I understand if you don't want to/can't do that though.
Heterochromia (More than one eye color that is), and chimerism.
Different wing types, like feathery, or different tail types, not sure what kinds, but I'm sure you could figure it out.
An option to change the number of toes/fingers the dragon has on its paws (At least, I call them paws. XD). Like 3 on all four paws, 3 on all four paws, 3 in front 4 in back, etc. Wyverns can just have 3 toes and 4 toes as options, maybe more if you want, but I'm fine with just 3 or 4 as options. I would also love dewclaws for all the kinds. Webbed paws for Water Dragons would be nice too.
Accessories, such as collars/chokers/necklaces, glasses, goggles, hats, bracelets/cuffs, horn rings, tail bands, earrings/frillrings, or even bags and belts (That last one might be too difficult though, I understand if it is).
Expressions/Poses, I would love for my dragons to have different expressions and poses, maybe even add something where you can have your dragons blink, this can be turned on and off. Or even just something simple, like an eyes closed or mouth closed option.
More variety in the size system.
This idea might be too difficult, but I felt it was worth mentioning. Breaths, aka the ability to have your Dragon use a breath ability, be it classic Fire, or Wind/Air, Water, Earth, Plant/Nature, Sound, Ice, Electricity, Shadow, Poison/Acid, or even just Magic. Sorry, I just love Elemental stuff. XD
These are all the ideas I have right now, I would love if these were added, but it's not my game, and I know nothing about game development. XD
I understand if any of these are too difficult, but I appreciate you reading this.
There are so many options for designs, colors, patterns, and even dragon types that I could easily spend hours just making dragons, and I love it! As well, the art style for both the UI and the dragons themselves is fantastic, and I love being able to easily save and share dragons with folks!
Easy to use with a stylish UI that's a lot of fun for creating and sharing dragons, with an outstanding visual style. Wonderful work!
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why does my dragon's teeth go through it's scales?
Do you know the steps to replicate the bug?
No I'm kinda still exploring
nvm I fixed it my prob was my comp
mine <3
MY EYES!!!! ```101q&&dv1J031cXq30301t3V00S0000000000004000408000c000005x%0044000M0w8D00%%%%%%0000Tk%%%%%%%%%%%%%%PPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000%%TkTk0000Tk%%0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000%%PPPP%%%%Tk0000Tk0000%%%%Tk0000Tk0000%%TkTk0000Tk%%%%00```
the game is suddenly not responding to my mouse and clicking and idk why
Hey Dragonita Is There A Way To Make A Snake-Like Body?
Second Dragon:```120CDmcL9J00D04Z00000t8c2SK4;00GV1x400040006x1w5470NZS2SK~-02Dw00F4KGX008f8f_z00008f~4000000sg~4Dz_z_z8f_zDz000000000000000000008f~48f00008f~40000d2~40000000000000000000000000000000000f8sg~48f~48f0000sg00008f~48f0000sg0000Nd~4Y20000~4Y2~400```
First Dragon:```11dcXmws1J0250Ng20200fND1?WB000DX1f200040005t3JK8F14V41J1w00000000000000kTDzDz0000Dz00d900sQ_lt?f8DzDzf8PPPP00000000000000000000kTDzDz0000Dzt?0000kTDz0000000000000000000000000000000000f8DzDzkTDzkT0000Dz0000kTDzkT0000Dz0000ppDzDz0000DzTkTk00```
If possible, could there be a set of additional fur variants...? For example: Whiskers, beards, patches of fur and various lengths and thicknesses of fur.
Also; would it be possible to have effects when they are breathing...?
Lol thats so good
First dragon I made, ```10dg&&K%7J03HcXl30300fJS1wn08000N024000400051m016c0400000wc000J008410000%%000000000000td%%x5_l%~td%zPP%%00PP00000000000000000000%%0000000000td0000td%z0000000000000000000000000000000000td%zPP%%00%z0000td0000%%00%z0000td0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```
made a halloween bat dragon as per my last comment ```12cj0:c27w00K04k00000r4m00S0800D000400040006ND080w0c00000f0000000X00000084yb%&0000Tk00Wz%:dWyb%%f8PPPP84ybPP0000000000000000000084%&Tk0000TkzD0000~gWz0000000000000000000000000000000000~g+KLH8400%&0000%&00008400%&0000%&0000~gTkTk0000Tk~g0000```

This game is great! Here's my favorite of the designs I made. Her name is Azura, she's a female Wind Dragon, and she's a Legend of Spyro OC.
Anyway, for feature ideas, I have...a bit of a list. XD
More horn options.
More tail tip options, I would love a tail tip similar to Cynder's from the Legend of Spyro series.
More wing claw/thumb options, maybe one similar to Cynder's (Mentioned above).
More muzzle options, and teeth sizes.
Spikes (Possibly head fluff as well) for the top of the head (The head looks a bit empty without them as of right now, even with markings). There could be large spikes or smaller ones not unlike the spine spikes, if head fluff is added, maybe add some variety there too.
Cheek spikes, muzzle spikes, and an option to have Spikes in place of ears. Maybe add Axolotl fins as an ear option?
More spine options.
Leg spikes.
More markings/patterns, especially for the head, I would love small, round freckle like markings for the head, or even stripes. Maybe even symbol like markings for the head, shoulders, thigh, rump, etc. That might be a bit too specific though. XD
Scars, nothing too gruesome of course, just like, scratches, eye scars, that sort of thing. I mean, we have torn wings, why not other evidence of being in battle or something? Broken horns, broken spikes, torn frills/ears, could be cool too, I have feeling missing limbs/eyes/etc isn't an option though, prosthetics or at least a way to make a certain body part look prosthetics would be nice though, I understand if you don't want to/can't do that though.
Heterochromia (More than one eye color that is), and chimerism.
Different wing types, like feathery, or different tail types, not sure what kinds, but I'm sure you could figure it out.
An option to change the number of toes/fingers the dragon has on its paws (At least, I call them paws. XD). Like 3 on all four paws, 3 on all four paws, 3 in front 4 in back, etc. Wyverns can just have 3 toes and 4 toes as options, maybe more if you want, but I'm fine with just 3 or 4 as options. I would also love dewclaws for all the kinds. Webbed paws for Water Dragons would be nice too.
Accessories, such as collars/chokers/necklaces, glasses, goggles, hats, bracelets/cuffs, horn rings, tail bands, earrings/frillrings, or even bags and belts (That last one might be too difficult though, I understand if it is).
Expressions/Poses, I would love for my dragons to have different expressions and poses, maybe even add something where you can have your dragons blink, this can be turned on and off. Or even just something simple, like an eyes closed or mouth closed option.
More variety in the size system.
This idea might be too difficult, but I felt it was worth mentioning. Breaths, aka the ability to have your Dragon use a breath ability, be it classic Fire, or Wind/Air, Water, Earth, Plant/Nature, Sound, Ice, Electricity, Shadow, Poison/Acid, or even just Magic. Sorry, I just love Elemental stuff. XD
These are all the ideas I have right now, I would love if these were added, but it's not my game, and I know nothing about game development. XD
I understand if any of these are too difficult, but I appreciate you reading this.
If you did read this anyway. XD
I kind of agree with you and I also love 'elemental stuff'
Hey, I really enjoys this neat Dragon Creator! It's the best one I've seen so far! But if you need some ideas, I have some.
Add an option to make the Dragon look muscular, a dragon with muscular front arms would look pretty cool!
An option to add simple accessories like different piercings or simple hats!
More fur options, like giving a dragon a fur goatee would look nice!
I hope you take some of these into thought! But of course, it's your game, you are the one who decides on what to add.
Have a good day! 😀🐲
this is so good and tasty i love it thank you for sharing
i made my fursona :]
WOW THATS GREAT LOL! Can i use the idea for inspiration?
Common beach pseudo dragon
cool dragon
toxic wyvern :)
i was making a dragon and my friend just said "give it a funny hat"
anyone have any song recommendations? im hella bored
here's my dragon I don't have a name for her any ideas
hmm... Tidecush ? The color palette reminds me of water/coral
Made another dragon :3
Tried to be realistic
Found a bug: if you click the unlink button next to the width slider on arms / legs it crashes
Thank you for catching it and bringing it to my attention. Just released a new patch that should fix it!
Have you uploaded the 3d model anywhere? I'd like to 3d print and paint my dragon!
a hypnosis dragon, themed off of my yt channel
anyone kind of want like wing options so like angelish wings or smthn?
Why cant you fullscreen the desktop version?
Amazing customization! I love a good character creator!
Here's my silly rainwing OC!
I really liked
Here the of my dragon Oc
Glax the dragon:
Oh my god, I love it! All the parts work really well and it's so cute.
There are so many options for designs, colors, patterns, and even dragon types that I could easily spend hours just making dragons, and I love it! As well, the art style for both the UI and the dragons themselves is fantastic, and I love being able to easily save and share dragons with folks!
Easy to use with a stylish UI that's a lot of fun for creating and sharing dragons, with an outstanding visual style. Wonderful work!
I loved it! its so cool <3
My girl, Kerza! -