My Wyvern (I'm planning also to make a Drake) I love the combination of white and black - the yellow color comes from the idea that it is a "light wyvern" or "holy wyvern"
Can I be inspired by this character and consider it as an oc? Of course, correcting some details and drawing yourself
I don't know what the rules are for this maker-when it comes to copyright. When I get an answer maybe I will delete this comment, I don't like showing such things in public.
It's a very cool looking wyvern! And yea you're free to base any designs you make with it! The designs themselves belong to the people who make them, and while crediting screenshots back to the game is appreciated it's not required either ^^
Hello! Sorry for the lack presence, college finals had been taking most of my time. It'll still be a bit while for the next update, maybe June, as things gradually lighten. Sorry for the wait again and thank you for your patience.
Thanks! And it's no problem any dragon regardless of limbs counts as a dragon ^^. Would just need to set them for a future update since they'd require a new body model and their own animations too.
I had a really good time (even playing on phone). I have a few questions -since you added species like Dragons, Wyverns or Drakes- what do you think about species/races such as the Wyrm or the Asian dragon? That would be great! c:
of course I know that it requires effort (creating models is not that easy), it's just a small idea - don't force it. By the way, you have a very nice artstyle. I remember playing a similar game once, but that one had the ability to see animations such as flying or walking. Maybe it would be possible to add such a function someday? It's very cool to see your character in motion.
I wish you a good day/night and good luck with your creation. You have an extraordinary talent
And yea the other dragon races would be doable for a future update! Like you mentioned it'd need to set up new animations and models to make them work, but it is possible.
my fan tribe the bloodwings ```100vDScP4w00D04Z10101tQN00m0800001m4000400050SJ01d000X0800000000000000004KJJ4K0000TkJJ0000+1+1pp00PPPP4KJJPP000000000000000000004KTkTk0000JJzD0000JJ0000000000000000000000000000000000004KJJPP4KJJ000000Tk00004KJJ000000Tk00004KJJJJ0000TkJJJJ00```
Hey! Dragonita I know you might not read this but I kind of want more wing options like angel wings and stuff- I'd also like uhm like... fins like extra fins and fur for like the legs and webbed toes too. Just so We can make more accurate sea dragons.
It's alright I read all the feedback! Noting down all the features too. Feathered wings were also part of the poll, so they might come sooner after the icons update too!
Hi! To color the dragon you first select the color you want on the top left, and then you can click one on the long buttons next to the colorpicker on the right, to paint the part you choose with your selected color.
Fire ```100nSmdPBJ012cDL10101B8m02K8;00FN02400040005Q9w18l04G&0N0r000000000000008f4K4K0000Tk00,PXfNKcK,X,XzCt!XfJK4K000000000000000000008f4K4K0000yj4K000000DK0000000000000000000000000000000000XfJK008f4K4K0000,X00008f4K4K0000,X0000XfJKJK00004KXf,X00```
Water ```12ch4hJ11J02C0NR20201tGk2400000FJ1w400040005PTw15l04J-0N1w00000000000000Z8PkvD0000PkmhJf4KP5Yl%~PkPPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000Z8PkPk0000vDk?0000PkKP0000000000000000000000000000000000PkKPvDZ8PkvD0000kp0000Z8PkvD0000kp0000PkvDT,0000KPfTkp00```
Solar Eclipse Dragon: ```11cqNmK.50018cDC10100pHJ0pS00c0CQ02200040006nzc17G042X4KMl0064w00b4xBX0000%%%%0000Tk00%!00rz%+?m%!PPPP00PP%s0000000000000000000000%!KP0000?t%!0000%!000000000000000000000000000000000000%!000000%!Tk0000%!000000%!Tk0000%!0000%%00%!000000%!%!00```
Fire And Blue Fire:```12cCDmcL9J00D04Z00000t8c2SK4;00GV1x400040006x1w5470NZS2SK~-02Dw00F4KGX008f8f_z00008f~4000000sg~4Dz_z_z8f_zDz000000000000000000008f~48f00008f~40000d2~40000000000000000000000000000000000f8sg~48f~48f0000sg00008f~48f0000sg0000Nd~4Y20000~4Y2~400```
Thank you very much for creating this Maker/game. I really like wyverns and couldn't resist making one! My design is not the best so far, but I really like the green color - and this combination is quite nice.
Maybe im improved this someday, but for now it's enough for the first time (and I'm not a very creative person).
Yea it's cool! Other dragon types like wyrms, amphiteres, and lindwurms may take a bit longer since they need their own different body model and animations, but it is doable for the future!
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Rainbow dragon:
AMAZING!!! I LOVE the way it glows at night!
I made a kangaroo
Dryamgon :3
Don't ask what she is bc I don't know either
Also, greyscale version for if you want to color it in :3
I tried to make them look like a little lionfish :3
Tysmmm <333
My son/daughter (whatever it is)
I don't even recognize it as a dragon, it looks like a cute fluffy alien dinosaur! ;)
They look so silly I love them :D
My Wyvern (I'm planning also to make a Drake) I love the combination of white and black - the yellow color comes from the idea that it is a "light wyvern" or "holy wyvern"
Can I be inspired by this character and consider it as an oc? Of course, correcting some details and drawing yourself
I don't know what the rules are for this maker-when it comes to copyright. When I get an answer maybe I will delete this comment, I don't like showing such things in public.
It's a very cool looking wyvern! And yea you're free to base any designs you make with it! The designs themselves belong to the people who make them, and while crediting screenshots back to the game is appreciated it's not required either ^^
Hey dragonita! when's the new update coming? I've been on evry day looking and stuff
Hello! Sorry for the lack presence, college finals had been taking most of my time. It'll still be a bit while for the next update, maybe June, as things gradually lighten. Sorry for the wait again and thank you for your patience.
Rawr! ^.=.^
Rawr! 0.=.0
Cosmic Wyvern: ```12cnSmdy60018cDC10100rQp1yT4:c0FX1W400040006N;w13l04D44J1--00DJ00D004S0000g%+!000000%%%,00x5%j%?00g%%j+!g%%H0000000000000000000000+!g%0000%%%,0000g%%,0000000000000000000000000000000000%%%,g%00g%000000%%000000g%000000%%0000+!g%000000%%bY%%00```
lov this game!!! :D pawsome!!! im gonna draw the dragons i made >:) look at them :0
and this guy
this one my fav :3
I like your red wyvern (I think that's what it's called), could I be a little inspired by it? I like it very much
sure :3 idc
hey guys name ideas for my glitch dragon? It's A semi-aquatic dragon which means can live in water and land
Will you maybe add Amphitheres someday? Unless they don't count as "dragons".
Nice maker
Thanks! And it's no problem any dragon regardless of limbs counts as a dragon ^^. Would just need to set them for a future update since they'd require a new body model and their own animations too.
Hey, great game!
I had a really good time (even playing on phone). I have a few questions -since you added species like Dragons, Wyverns or Drakes- what do you think about species/races such as the Wyrm or the Asian dragon? That would be great! c:
of course I know that it requires effort (creating models is not that easy), it's just a small idea - don't force it. By the way, you have a very nice artstyle. I remember playing a similar game once, but that one had the ability to see animations such as flying or walking. Maybe it would be possible to add such a function someday? It's very cool to see your character in motion.
I wish you a good day/night and good luck with your creation. You have an extraordinary talent
Thanks a lot =D!
And yea the other dragon races would be doable for a future update! Like you mentioned it'd need to set up new animations and models to make them work, but it is possible.
And noting down the other animations too!
This is such an awesome dragon creator! Here are my dragons:
Here's my character Scorch!! He's shy, but also very kind and sweet!!! ^^
Awww I love him!! ^w^
Will there be a version for mobile??
Hello! For now there's no APK, it's noted down for a future more stable version, but it should still be playable in mobile browsers in the meantime!
my fan tribe the bloodwings ```100vDScP4w00D04Z10101tQN00m0800001m4000400050SJ01d000X0800000000000000004KJJ4K0000TkJJ0000+1+1pp00PPPP4KJJPP000000000000000000004KTkTk0000JJzD0000JJ0000000000000000000000000000000000004KJJPP4KJJ000000Tk00004KJJ000000Tk00004KJJJJ0000TkJJJJ00```
Hey! Dragonita I know you might not read this but I kind of want more wing options like angel wings and stuff- I'd also like uhm like... fins like extra fins and fur for like the legs and webbed toes too. Just so We can make more accurate sea dragons.
Thank you for your time if you read this.
It's alright I read all the feedback! Noting down all the features too. Feathered wings were also part of the poll, so they might come sooner after the icons update too!
How do I export the model as a file instead of just a code?
For now it's not possible am afraid, it'd take some thorough investigation and testing to make possible in the future.
How do we colour in the dragon? Idk what to do. Btw this is one ipad
Hi! To color the dragon you first select the color you want on the top left, and then you can click one on the long buttons next to the colorpicker on the right, to paint the part you choose with your selected color.
Surf: ```11cl&-c&9J0250NR20201p8G0L10800C00p000040005Jmc92f0h2X2JL%40280008410N004jGSGS0000GS1!6p00QX4j%%CH8,PP8,GSPP000000000000000000004j9jCH00001!9j00004jPP00000000000000000000000000000000001P9j1!4j9j1!0000GS00004j9j1!0000GS00004j4j6p00009j1P1P00```
Crescent: ```11cHrSK&7003KcXq30301tGc1gC0800CB0!2000400050LwJ1C104N3wy%h03DJ00P0J6X00dnSl.v0000D49Ml&00Gb43l&DNSlPPdnD4PP00000000000000000000dndnSR0000dnD40000YP000000000000000000000000000000000000dnD4SRdnSRYP0000rc0000dnSRYP0000rc0000dnn?N.0000TTSR%%00```
That looks pretty me.
Sunset Dragon:
woah this is a lot better then my sunset dragon
I also made a sunset dragon!
Ngl I love this but there maybe a option that this can maybe get a mobile version please?- since I don't have a pc
Hello! For now there's no APK, but it's still playable through mobile browsers!
It literally works on mobile 💀
I love this, there's so many options and they all look amazing!
This is so sick! Here's the dragon I made:
sharkdragon and lavadragon :D
Solar Eclipse Dragon: ```11cqNmK.50018cDC10100pHJ0pS00c0CQ02200040006nzc17G042X4KMl0064w00b4xBX0000%%%%0000Tk00%!00rz%+?m%!PPPP00PP%s0000000000000000000000%!KP0000?t%!0000%!000000000000000000000000000000000000%!000000%!Tk0000%!000000%!Tk0000%!0000%%00%!000000%!%!00```
Ooo, they look so cool!!
Love how simple it is! Any plans to allow users to export their dragons as 3d models?
Hello! For now it's not something planned in the roadmap, as it'd take more thorough investigation and testing, but it could change in the future!
I've Made Lots Of Dragons All Elemental Ofc.
Fire And Blue Fire:```12cCDmcL9J00D04Z00000t8c2SK4;00GV1x400040006x1w5470NZS2SK~-02Dw00F4KGX008f8f_z00008f~4000000sg~4Dz_z_z8f_zDz000000000000000000008f~48f00008f~40000d2~40000000000000000000000000000000000f8sg~48f~48f0000sg00008f~48f0000sg0000Nd~4Y20000~4Y2~400```
Kinda frgt air there buddy
Hi!! Me and my friend love this little game and we noticed that it would be a super cool feature if you added WYRMS!!!!!! :DD
Happy you liked it =D!
And while they'll take a bit to arrive, it's no problem eventually wyrms will come too =]
Thank you very much for creating this Maker/game. I really like wyverns and couldn't resist making one! My design is not the best so far, but I really like the green color - and this combination is quite nice.
Maybe im improved this someday, but for now it's enough for the first time (and I'm not a very creative person).
Best regards!
[I was inspired by poison/swamp wyverns/monsters]
This is dragon-fruit!
soul-singe >:))))
made 2, one was kinda forest oriented and the other sea oriented
YOUR COLORS ARE SO GOODDDDDDDD I can't decide which one I like more!!
TYSM!!!! <33
name ideas?shes an icewing with no wings
Frostbite, Ghost or maybe moss will work
Any way to actually export/download the 3d model to do some modeling on blender or similars?
For now it's not possible and it'd take some thorough investigation, but it might change in the future!
Also Dragonita I'd like to ask for a dragon with no legs like a sneke so it'll be a bit more accurate while making dragons
It's alright if it's too hard or anything
Yea it's cool! Other dragon types like wyrms, amphiteres, and lindwurms may take a bit longer since they need their own different body model and animations, but it is doable for the future!
I made Glitch my fav drag and it's stubby, cute, an eye-sore, smol and has Viper teeth! Btw i'll make a cobra drag