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his name is Elbows McGee and he is on the hunt




this one is so cute ^^




woaaaaaaah :0

(1 edit)

how do you paste in codes ?

ctrl+v (if you use a PC)




(1 edit) (+2)

Sisyphus Prime but he's a dragon



Void-dweller dragon



something simple



Another one, this time electrical!



Made a basic ice dragon


hi I am back

(2 edits) (+2)

Recreation of the velociraptor(s) from Jurassic Park :)



Bat wolf dragon hybrid ```12cdSXdg7c00K0Nl10100tPB0f94:c02V0d600040005mSJ81d0c2-3N0&w000000000BS00;gpT8f00008f00-000_.mJ%!s_mJS0+-pS8f00000000000000000000;g+-pT0000pTzD0000pT?%0000000000000000000000000000000000Z8zYzY+-?%8z0000pS0000+-?%8z0000pS00008K+--00000008KF400```


I made this ```11c7:Sc_4w01504G10100tHL1JB4B00660p000040005NmJ82d0c2S0mcrc0080008c8D400%97b%?0000q%8zv-%vGvH%%~q%MHv%%9%?q%00000000000000000000%9!lq%00007bq%00007bPP00000000000000000000000000000000007bq%7b%9!lq%0000!l0000%9!lq%0000!l0000q%7b7b0000!l7b7b00```

Awesome dragon design!

I love this!

(1 edit)

I have a question do you guys no wut a therian is and are you one?

and can ALL of you guys comment stuff to put on my dragon pls

You should do the wings with glowing stripes :)


(4 edits) (+1)

My first dragon, Glint :)


My second creature: 


My sister's creature:


(1 edit) (+1)

Hey! I was listening the song "My heart wil go on" and i got an idea! My floofy creature:


(1 edit) (+4)



(1 edit)

did you take ispo of my dragon? ho and I think it is cool


lil void guy :)



melanistic/cross fox inspired dragon below!!



```11040-cj5J03KcX730300fGB1p000006Q014000400040wc032000000120000w001cS0000d+0000000000vy000001S9%cN;PPPPd+PPPP000000000000000000000000000000TkXC00002Kyw0000000000000000000000000000000000d+PPPP00J7D50000Tk000000J7D50000Tk0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00``` dragon based on jevil from deltarune! spamton is next! ill do big shot era, in game, and neo ones!


```110vXmJr4003J0XS00000f0003J080000012000400040w00300000011gr044w00L0:0000vYTkTk0000Tk%c&P00x5_l%;00PPPPvYw0PP0000000000000000000000TkTk0000Tk%%000000%%0000000000000000000000000000000000%%PPPP00%~Tk0000Tk0000%%00000000Tk0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00``` Spamton (in game)!!

my favorite [[BIG SHOT!!]], now in dragon form <3 


yeah <3

*le gasp* YOU LIKE SPAMTON TOOOOO?! /pos




wow! incredibly in-depth dragon generator that will see heavy use from us going forward and absolutely floored that it's only early alpha. would be interested to see an arm/leg fur tuft addition or maybe piercings but as it exists even now it's very good to use! incredibly impressed and excited to see how else it could possibly improve.

now heres our favorite headmate a particular purple dragon :3



I'm not sure if this is something you can implement, but an option to change the height/length of the legs/arms would be a neat feature.



hehe batman dragon



Hey dragonita! I have a question, do i have the right to copy the grey-yellow dragon thats like the icon from this game? Its really cool!

If you mean the dragon on the cover, it was an example I made for the first version, so you're free to ye ^^

ty :D

(1 edit) (+1)


look at my creation. it looks even better at night

Deleted post

Wow! relly nice :P




(1 edit)

thank you pryia1221 and I think your dragon is


No problem and thx!


My attempt at making Spyro the dragon:



what would you do if you saw this in a forest



I a simple wyvern 

Both of the dragon designs that you created are amazing, I especially liked the black one! 


That isn't a wyvern, wyverns have no fore legs


a simple wyvern effected with a cursed affliction that causes the host to use up all their body heat for a radiant glow until the host perishes from exhaustion. this constant need for more energy causes the host to become savage,hunting even their fellow pack members for food in a bloodthirsty rage

Great wyvern! and lore XD

Here is my attempt at making Glyde the dragon from the upcoming action-adventure game where you can play as a dragon named Glyde. It's not the best but I tried to create him lol. 


(2 edits)

can you post a screenshot pls because for some reason google won't support on my computer so I have to use Microsoft edge.


Hey Dragonita Could You Make A Scales Kind Of Pattern For The Entire Body?

yes! and patterns for fur or feather could be so cool

hey Dragonita! In case you didnt read, I've posted a comment a few days ago. It was a question if you could color a base? Im sorry if you were just busy doing your thing and you think im impatient but please be sure u read it! (no forcing to color it)

Hey! Any1 got a name for my newest pet? :D




Oooo i like them both. Ill make it LumisPepper :D

Sweet! :D


Nice! Love the gradients

thanks !! i went kina crazy with them haha

Do YOU want to make your own bat dragon but just want to colour it? well do I have news for you this base is free to use just show me the codes that's all! what a GREAT deal am I right?! ```12cd:&w57w010cDp10100p6Z22J0c00CL0n000040006Pdw06700Xc4w0000100000000000ppTk00000000w%w%00x5_l%~f8PPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000ppTkTk0000TkzD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000t?f8%%pp%~Tk0000Tk0000pp%~Tk0000Tk0000ppTkTk0000TkTkTk00```

Why yes, I do! Thank you kindly Moonlight! I offer one albino bat dragon as payment :]


very nice payment indeed Opossum!

Here you got Toxic the bat-dragon!:


Thanks for the base! :D

(1 edit)

very nice I love how the green and blue go together so nice!

And here is another bat-dragon! (i need name ideas)


Oppossum, Thats a GREAT dragon! :O

Tysm Sunset!! I could say the same thing myself for Toxic :3

I contribute a rainbow bat dragon ```12cd:&w57w01GcDp10100p6c1!J0c00CL0n800040006Pdw3670DXc4wzG403Dw00YhT6X00%%&0~00000%wHw7.00hHJH%~f8PPPP%%%wPP00000000000000000000%%Ww7.00003~&100003H7.0000000000000000000000000000000000wBr7XD%%3.1B00001%0000%%3.1B00001%0000%%1%mH00001B7.1%00```

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