Sorry I had to remove the screenshot cause it showed potentially personal information. Please crop it first in Paint or a different image program, and you can try posting it again
```10ccDmd%1J00404600001f0000Jf0000001200040004h8000c0028011fw040J00H0w440000TkTk0000Tk&1&1000000&100Fv&1f8PPPP0000000000000000000000TkTk0000Tk00000000&1000000000000000000000000000000000000Fv&100&1Tk0000Tk000000&1Tk0000Tk000000&1000000TkTk&100``` “demon” dragon black and red
This is the antithesis of the Lilac Brutality, the Golden Glow. We sent a researcher to investigate one of its caves in Mt. [REDACTED], and he came out with a gleeful grin on his face. He said he "met one of the archangels of God", and that "with this discovery we might be able to save the world from the Lilac Brutality". He said it glowed a bright yellow, calling it the Golden Glow of God. Upon sending another researcher holding a camera, he came back, as gleeful as the first researcher, holding the following photo in his hands. ```11cg&mK,5J012cD610100f0000y28000001600040004ddJ165042:4J0t-004J00ThT6N00%nTkTk0000Tk00%000%L~c%~%n%0%0%n%0PP00000000000000000000%nTkTk0000Tk%L0000%n%00000000000000000000000000000000000%0%nPP%n%0%00000%%0000%n%0%00000%%0000%n%0%00000%0Tk%%00```
tried my best at making a Charizard ```11cc8mwK1J010cDk10100f0000J00000001000040006m8000c0020000000000000000000!kTkTk0000Tk00V&%%x5_l%~!kPPPPf8PPPP00000000000000000000!kTkTk0000Tk%p0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000+w%w&0!k%~Tk0000Tk0000!k%~Tk0000Tk0000LV!kTk0000TkTk!k00```
he horns too big for he got tam hed ```100c8mKH1J010cD610100f0000Km0000001000040004c8000c00Z4000000000000000000+JTkTk0000Tk00%000x5_l%~;0Xc%wf8PPPP00000000000000000000+JTkTk0000Tk~l0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000+J00PP+J%~Tk0000Tk0000+J%~Tk0000Tk0000+J%wmw0000TkTk%%00```
the pet dragon ```12dc0m0c4J031cXp30300cPJ04!4Cc05V0c000040006w8003j042-3c0000000000000000s%XkDp0000TkPHs%PHx5_l%~Dps%PHs%PHDp00000000000000000000s%PH8R0000XkzD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000HHXkPHpp%~Tk0000Tk0000s%DpHH0000%%0000s%DpHH0000PHTkTk00```
This is my electric dragon named Haze: ```11cdSmd1BJ00DcDC00100h8X0BK4cc0F41V200040005N&013w042&3S1%f00DJ004c8D000b~%,GX0000GX9;%,005mz5?p%,b~GXb~BX%.00000000000000000000b~%,%,0000b~%,0000GX%,0000000000000000000000000000000000b~GX?kb~%,b~0000Tk0000b~%,b~0000Tk0000%,b~GX0000GXTkTk00```
WARNING: Scientists have found a mysterious reptile that glows a bright shade of lilac. Upon sending a researcher to investigate, we heard the screams of said researcher along with a piercing roar, and the tearing of flesh and sinew and the cracking of bone. When we returned to the site the researcher was sent to, we only found a brutalized pile of flesh and bone. Upon further inspection, we saw something terrifying: the reptile tore through his flesh, ate his vital organs, and ground his body into a fine paste and consumed all the "good meat"(we assume), leaving only a brutal meat paste and a skeleton with all the bone marrow sucked out. We have named it Daemonum Lacerta, meaning Demonic Lizard, or the Lilac Brutality. If you see this reptile, may God save you. ```11cc8rK%5J014cDf10101k8N1?L2Cc02611600040005c!wH3q0&2&40z~.03DJ00FhT6N00DNxvxv0000xv00xv00-%;v%~DNxvxvDNxvxv00000000000000000000DNxvxv0000xvxv0000DNxv0000000000000000000000000000000000DNxvxvDNxvxv0000xv0000DNxvxv0000xv0000DNxvxv0000xvTkxv00```
```12cvcmKY5J0120XB30301tBJ1hK0X00G80V400040006nqw16v04Dm3:gDm030J00F4K2X008K%qXh000000%+~w00+5%k%~00X_PP%kDdDd000000000000000000008KDL%k0000DL%k000080JL0000000000000000000000000000000000%k%%%+8K%kDL0000%+00008K%kDL0000%+00008KDL%k0000%+%k%This is so so much fun. I love her!
his name is Elbows McGee and he is on the hunt ```120h8mJP5J012cD610100t0003L0000000160004000408000c0020001wc000c000000800_PTkTk0000Tk00%000x5_l%~Xz%7PPn4PPPP00000000000000000000_PTkTk0000Tk%70000%7Xz0000000000000000000000000000000000XzPPPP_P%~Tk0000Tk0000_P%~Tk0000Tk0000_Pn4Tk0000Tkhz%%00```
he ```11cc8mdP1J010cD610100p0000Kc000100100004000408000c0020040000000000000000&0TkTk0000Tk00%000x5_l%~%%00PPf8PPPP00000000000000000000&000000000Tk~w0000f8PP000000000000000000000000000000000000PPPP&0%~Tk0000Tk0000&0%~Tk0000Tk0000&0c0%%0000Tkc0%%00```
Bat wolf dragon hybrid ```12cdSXdg7c00K0Nl10100tPB0f94:c02V0d600040005mSJ81d0c2-3N0&w000000000BS00;gpT8f00008f00-000_.mJ%!s_mJS0+-pS8f00000000000000000000;g+-pT0000pTzD0000pT?%0000000000000000000000000000000000Z8zYzY+-?%8z0000pS0000+-?%8z0000pS00008K+--00000008KF400```
I made this ```11c7:Sc_4w01504G10100tHL1JB4B00660p000040005NmJ82d0c2S0mcrc0080008c8D400%97b%?0000q%8zv-%vGvH%%~q%MHv%%9%?q%00000000000000000000%9!lq%00007bq%00007bPP00000000000000000000000000000000007bq%7b%9!lq%0000!l0000%9!lq%0000!l0000q%7b7b0000!l7b7b00```
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Aquatic dragon
Sorry I had to remove the screenshot cause it showed potentially personal information. Please crop it first in Paint or a different image program, and you can try posting it again
```10ccDmd%1J00404600001f0000Jf0000001200040004h8000c0028011fw040J00H0w440000TkTk0000Tk&1&1000000&100Fv&1f8PPPP0000000000000000000000TkTk0000Tk00000000&1000000000000000000000000000000000000Fv&100&1Tk0000Tk000000&1Tk0000Tk000000&1000000TkTk&100``` “demon” dragon black and red
Hello guys! I madw another dragon! Enjoy and maybe upgrade it?
This is the antithesis of the Lilac Brutality, the Golden Glow. We sent a researcher to investigate one of its caves in Mt. [REDACTED], and he came out with a gleeful grin on his face. He said he "met one of the archangels of God", and that "with this discovery we might be able to save the world from the Lilac Brutality". He said it glowed a bright yellow, calling it the Golden Glow of God. Upon sending another researcher holding a camera, he came back, as gleeful as the first researcher, holding the following photo in his hands.

Domestic wyvern
Awww, cute!!
Astral dragon
My attempt at creating Hookfang the Monstrous Nightmare from httyd.
pretty good recreation ngl
tried my best at making a Charizard

haha thanks :)
Tropics dragon
jungle dragon?
More of an beach-dweller, but occasionally ventures into jungles and rainforests for fruits
so semi-jungle dragon?
Pretty much
he horns too big for he got tam hed

Violets are blue
Roses are red
He horns too big
For he gotdamn head
words of wisdom
Lol yeah
the pet dragon ```12dc0m0c4J031cXp30300cPJ04!4Cc05V0c000040006w8003j042-3c0000000000000000s%XkDp0000TkPHs%PHx5_l%~Dps%PHs%PHDp00000000000000000000s%PH8R0000XkzD0000f8PP0000000000000000000000000000000000HHXkPHpp%~Tk0000Tk0000s%DpHH0000%%0000s%DpHH0000PHTkTk00```
This is my electric dragon named Haze: ```11cdSmd1BJ00DcDC00100h8X0BK4cc0F41V200040005N&013w042&3S1%f00DJ004c8D000b~%,GX0000GX9;%,005mz5?p%,b~GXb~BX%.00000000000000000000b~%,%,0000b~%,0000GX%,0000000000000000000000000000000000b~GX?kb~%,b~0000Tk0000b~%,b~0000Tk0000%,b~GX0000GXTkTk00```
woah so coooool :0
The domestic dragon
A responsible dragon owner, I see
yeah, I'm still getting the hang of it, but I'm trying my best ^^
made a rainwing!
WARNING: Scientists have found a mysterious reptile that glows a bright shade of lilac. Upon sending a researcher to investigate, we heard the screams of said researcher along with a piercing roar, and the tearing of flesh and sinew and the cracking of bone. When we returned to the site the researcher was sent to, we only found a brutalized pile of flesh and bone. Upon further inspection, we saw something terrifying: the reptile tore through his flesh, ate his vital organs, and ground his body into a fine paste and consumed all the "good meat"(we assume), leaving only a brutal meat paste and a skeleton with all the bone marrow sucked out. We have named it Daemonum Lacerta, meaning Demonic Lizard, or the Lilac Brutality. If you see this reptile, may God save you.

my magnum opus, you probably won't see me trying as hard to make cool dragons as I did here
man I hate accidentally posting things
good thing the edit feature exists
Ironclad dragon
he seems like he's seen many a war
Kinda, more like the territorial battles of deer n' stuff
so like a war but more forest animals and deer antlers
Pretty much
Alastor but dragon

also sorry for making him bald like Valentinhoe 😔
I love her too shes so pretty aaaaa-
Fox-mimicking dragon
his name is Elbows McGee and he is on the hunt

this one is so cute ^^
woaaaaaaah :0
how do you paste in codes ?
ctrl+v (if you use a PC)
Sisyphus Prime but he's a dragon
Void-dweller dragon
something simple
Another one, this time electrical!
Made a basic ice dragon
hi I am back
Bat wolf dragon hybrid ```12cdSXdg7c00K0Nl10100tPB0f94:c02V0d600040005mSJ81d0c2-3N0&w000000000BS00;gpT8f00008f00-000_.mJ%!s_mJS0+-pS8f00000000000000000000;g+-pT0000pTzD0000pT?%0000000000000000000000000000000000Z8zYzY+-?%8z0000pS0000+-?%8z0000pS00008K+--00000008KF400```
I made this ```11c7:Sc_4w01504G10100tHL1JB4B00660p000040005NmJ82d0c2S0mcrc0080008c8D400%97b%?0000q%8zv-%vGvH%%~q%MHv%%9%?q%00000000000000000000%9!lq%00007bq%00007bPP00000000000000000000000000000000007bq%7b%9!lq%0000!l0000%9!lq%0000!l0000q%7b7b0000!l7b7b00```
Awesome dragon design!
I love this!
I have a question do you guys no wut a therian is and are you one?
and can ALL of you guys comment stuff to put on my dragon pls
You should do the wings with glowing stripes :)
My first dragon, Glint :)
My second creature:
My sister's creature:
Hey! I was listening the song "My heart wil go on" and i got an idea! My floofy creature:
did you take ispo of my dragon? ho and I think it is cool
lil void guy :)
melanistic/cross fox inspired dragon below!!